Proceedings of peer-reviewed conferences and workshops
Web Crawl refusals: insights from Common Crawl. Mostafa Ansar, Anna Sperotto, and Ralph Holz. Proc. Passive and Active Measurements Conference (PAM). Online conference, 2025.
Is a Name Enough? A First Look into Detecting Clouds Using DNS Pointer Records. Sousan Tarahomi, Raffaele Sommese, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, Jeroen Linssen, Ralph Holz, and Anna Sperotto. Proc. 20th Int. Conference on Network and Service Management. Prague, Czech Republic, 2024.
LanDscAPe: Exploring LDAP Weaknesses and Data Leaks at Internet Scale. Jonas Kaspereit, Gurur Öndarö, Gustavo Luvizotto Cesar, Simon Ebbers, Fabian Ising, Christoph Saatjohann, Mattijs Jonker, Ralph Holz, and Sebastian Schinzel. Proc. USENIX Security Symposium. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2024.
Assessing the security of Internet paths: A case study of Dutch critical infrastructures. Shyam Krishna Khadka, Suzan Bayhan, Ralph Holz, and Cristian Hesselman. Proc. Applied Networking Research Workshop. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2024.
Packed to the Brim: Investigating the Impact of Highly Responsive Prefixes on Internet-wide Measurement Campaigns. Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Mattijs Jonker, Oliver Gasser, Georg Carle, and Ralph Holz. Int. Conf. on Emerging Networking Experiments And Technologies (CoNEXT). Paris, France, December 2023.
DNS Dependencies as an Expression of the Digital Divide: the Example of Australia. Niousha Nazemi, Omid Tavallaie, Albert Y. Zomaya, and Ralph Holz. Workshop on Transparency, Accountability and User Control for a Responsible Internet (TAURIN 2023). Den Haag, Netherlands, October 2023.
Quantifying Security Risks in Cloud Infrastructures: A Data-driven Approach. S. Tarahomi, R. Holz, and A Sperotto. 2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). Madrid, Spain, June 2023.
Hazardous Echoes: The DNS Resolvers that Should Be Put on Mute. R. Yazdani, Y. Nosyk, R. Holz, M. Korczyński, M. Jonker, and A. Sperotto. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA). Naples, Italy, June 2023.
On the asymmetry of Internet eXchange Points-why should IXPs and CDNs care? Bertholdo, L., Ferreira, S. L. A., Ceron, J. M., Holz, R., Granville, L. Z., and van Rijswijk-Deij, R. M.. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Network and Service Management. Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2022.
Triplet Mining-based Phishing Webpage Detection. Kalana Abeywardena, Jiawei Zhao, Lexi Brent, Suranga Seneviratne, and Ralph Holz. Proc. IEEE Local Computer Networks. Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 2020.
On the origin of scanning: the impact of location on Internet-wide scans. Gerry Wan, Liz Izhikevich, David Adrian, Katsunari Yoshioka, Ralph Holz, Christian Rossow, and Zakir Durumeric. Proc. ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2020.
A Retrospective Analysis of User Exposure to (Illicit) Cryptocurrency Mining on the Web. Ralph Holz, Diego Perino, Matteo Varvello, Johanna Amann, Andrea Continella, Nate Evans, Ilias Leontiadis, Christopher Natoli, and Quirin Scheitle. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA). Berlin, Germany, June 2020.
Passive Packet Sniffing Tools for Enabling Wireless Situational Awareness. Kwon Choi, Harini Kolamunna, Kanchana Thilakarathna, Suranga Seneviratne, Ralph Holz, Mahbub Hassan, and Albert Zomaya. Cyber Defence Next Generation Technology and Science Conference. Brisbane, Australia, March 2020.
The Rise of Certificate Transparency and Its Implications on the Internet Ecosystem. Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Theodor Nolte, Johanna Amann, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, Thomas C. Schmidt, and Matthias Wählisch. Proc. ACM/USENIX 18th Annual Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). Boston, MA, USA, October 2018.
In Log We Trust: Revealing Poor Security Practices with Certificate Transparency Logs and Internet Measurements. Oliver Gasser, Benjamin Hof, Max Helm, Maciej Korczynski, Ralph Holz, and Georg Carle. Proc. Passive and Active Measurements Conference (PAM). Berlin, Germany, March 2018.
Automated Analysis of Secure Internet of Things Protocols. Jun Young Kim, Ralph Holz, Wen Hu, and Sanjay Jha. Proc. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC). Orlando, FL, USA, December 2017.
Mission accomplished? HTTPS security after DigiNotar. Johanna Amann, Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, and Ralph Holz. Proc. ACM/USENIX 17th Annual Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). London, UK, November 2017.
On availability for blockchain-based systems. Ingo Weber, Vincent Gramoli, Alex Ponomarev, Mark Staples, Ralph Holz, An Binh Tran, and Paul Rimba. Proc. Symp. Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). Hong Kong, China, September 2017.
Endpoint-transparent Multipath Transport with Software-defined Networks. Dario Banfi, Olivier Mehani, Guillaume Jourjon, Lukas Schwaighofer, and Ralph Holz. Proc. Local Computer Networks (LCN). Dubai, UAE, November 2016.
TLS in the wild-An Internet-wide analysis of TLS-based protocols for electronic communication. Ralph Holz, Johanna Amann, Olivier Mehani, Matthias Wachs, and Mohamed Ali Kafaar. Proc. Network and Distributed System Symposium (NDSS). San Diego, CA, USA, February 2016.
An Early Look at Multipath TCP Deployment in the Wild. Olivier Mehani, Ralph Holz, Simone Ferlin, and Roksana Boreli. Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement. Paris, France, September 2015.
Securing a deployment pipeline. Len Bass, Ralph Holz, Paul Rimba, An Binh Tran, and Liming Zhu. Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Release Engineering. Florence, Italy, May 2015.
Investigating the Nature of Routing Anomalies: Closing in on Subprefix Hijacking Attacks. Johann Schlamp, Ralph Holz, Oliver Gasser, Andreas Korsten, Quentin Jacquemart, Georg Carle, and Ernst W. Biersack. Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis. Barcelona, Spain, April 2015.
A deeper understanding of SSH: results from Internet-wide scans. Oliver Gasser, Ralph Holz, and Georg Carle. Proc. 14th Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). Krakow, Poland, May 2014.
X.509 Forensics: Detecting and Localising the SSL/TLS Men-in-the-middle. Ralph Holz, Thomas Riedmaier, Nils Kammenhuber, and Georg Carle. Proc. 17th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS). Pisa, Italy, September 2012.
The SSL Landscape - A Thorough Analysis of the X.509 PKI Using Active and Passive Measurements. Ralph Holz, Lothar Braun, Nils Kammenhuber, and Georg Carle. Proc. ACM/USENIX 11th Annual Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). Berlin, Germany, November 2011.
Investigating the OpenPGP Web of Trust. Alexander Ulrich, Ralph Holz, Peter Hauck, and Georg Carle. Proc. 16th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS). Leuven, Belgium, September 2011.
Pr2-P2PSIP: Privacy Preserving P2P Signaling for VoIP and IM. Ali Fessi, Nathan Evans, Heiko Niedermayer, and Ralph Holz. Proc. Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications (IPTComm), Munich. Munich, Germany, August 2010.
On Using Home Networks and Cloud Computing for a Future Internet of Things. Heiko Niedermayer, Ralph Holz, Marc-Oliver Pahl, and Georg Carle. Proc. Future Internet Symposium 2009 (FIS). Berlin, Germany, September 2009.
CLIO - A Cross-Layer Information Service for Overlay Network Optimization. Dirk Haage, Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer, and Pavel Laskov. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS). Kassel, Germany, March 2009.
Trust-rated Authentication for Domain-Structured Distributed Systems. Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer, Peter Hauck, and Georg Carle. Proc. 5th European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice (EuroPKI). Trondheim, Norway, June 2008.
Mobile apps and children’s privacy: A traffic analysis of data sharing practices among children’s mobile iOS apps. Pimienta, J. and Bethe, T., Brandt, J., Holz, R., Continella, A., Jibb, L., and Grundy, Q.. Archives of Disease in Childhood, BMJ. August 2023.
Update on ACM SIGCOMM CCR reviewing process: towards a more open review process. Ralph Holz, Marco Mellia, Olivier Bonaventure, Hamed Haddadi, Matthew Caesar, Sergey Gorinsky, Gianni Antichi, Joseph Camp, kc Klaffy, Bhaskaran Raman, Anna Sperotto, Aline Viana, and Steve Uhlig. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 50(3). July 2020.
LoRadar: LoRa Sensor Network Monitoring through Passive Packet Sniffing. Kwon Choi, Harini Kolamunna, Akila Uyanwatta, Kanchana Thilakarathna, Suranga Seneviratne, Ralph Holz, Mahbub Hassan, and Albert Zomaya. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 50(4). October 2020.
A Responsible Internet to increase trust in the digital world. Cristian Hesselman, Paola Grosso, Ralph Holz, Fernando Kuipers, Janet Hui Xue, Mattijs Jonker, Joeri de Ruiter, Anna Sperotto, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Giovane C. M. Moura, Aiko Pras, and Cees de Laat. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 28(4). October 2020.
Tracking the deployment of TLS 1.3 on the Web: A story of experimentation and centralization. Ralph Holz, Jens Hiller, Johanna Amann, Abbas Razaghpanah, Thomas Jost, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, and Oliver Hohlfeld. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 50(3). July 2020.
Data sharing practices of medicines-related apps and the mobile ecosystem. Quinn Grundy, Kellia Chiu, Fabian Held, Andrea Continella, Lisa Bero, and Ralph Holz. The BMJ, 364(1920). March 2019.
Open Collaborative Hyperpapers: A Call to Action. Alberto Dainotti, Ralph Holz, Mirja Kuehlewind, Andra Lutu, Joel Sommers, and Brian Trammell. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 49(1):31-33. February 2019.
A First Look at Certification Authority Authorization (CAA). Quirin Scheitle, Taejoon Chung, Jens Hiller, Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Oliver Hohlfeld, Ralph Holz, Dave Choffnes, Alan Mislove, and Georg Carle. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 48(2):10-23. April 2018.
HEAP: Reliable assessment of BGP Hijacking attacks. Johann Schlamp, Ralph Holz, Quentin Jacquemart, Georg Carle, and Ernst W. Biersack. IEEE J. Selected Areas of Communication (JSAC), 34(6):1849-1861. 2016.
Towards Measurement Consolidation for Overlay Optimization and Service Placement. Dirk Haage, and Ralph Holz. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), 10:12-15. March 2010.
Spontaneous Virtual Networks: On the Road towards the Internet's Next Generation. Oliver Waldhorst, Christian Blankenhorn, Dirk Haage, Ralph Holz, Gerald Koch, Boris Koldehofe, Fleming Lampi, Christoph Mayer, and Sebastian Mies. it - Information Technology Special Issue on Next Generation Internet, 50(6):367-375. December 2008.
Book chapters
Thesis work